Well last night was my last night in Youth for a while. Dave is coaching a little league baseball team this summer and we are going to be quite busy, and since a lot of the games are on Wednesday nights, we decided to step down for a while. We are going to make these boys and their families our ministry focus for the summer. I am really excited, our first game is on the day after Memorial Day and I can't wait!!! Dave and I both are just praying for opportunities to arise so we can share with the families and allow God to speak into their lives through us. Please be praying with us!
Yesterday was a good last night... our District Youth Director was there (Paul Hinzman) and did a great job speaking. He kept the kids attention very well and impressed them that he could control his slideshow presentation from his iPhone. They thought it was the coolest thing in the world! Amazing how exciteable kids can be! :) Although I have to admit- I thought it was pretty neat too!
Paul is coming to speak again on Sunday evening, so I'm glad Dave will get to hear him also. We are considering taking the Wednesday nights that we don't have games, and visiting other youth groups. There is always something to learn and Dave and I would love to get some ideas to bring back to our church from other churches. No we aren't changing churches or church hopping, we just want to use our time wisely and glean from others.
So here comes my summer- full of baseball, sunflower seeds, bubble gum, and hopefully MINISTRY! God, help me do Your will and have YOUR way through this summer. May I walk the path You desire and be the hands and feet You designed me to be with these families. I give this ministry to You so just guide me.